The Foundation of Our Promise

At Axis, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and support in a safe, comfortable environment. Our services prioritize your comfort, choice, dignity, respect, privacy, independence, and self-determination. Experience self-fulfillment with our well-led care programs designed to meet your unique needs. Choose us for unparalleled care and support.

Our Goals and How We Achieve Them

We are dedicated to delivering and maintaining the highest quality of care through a thorough and systematic approach. Our robust quality management system ensures clear standards, policies, and procedures that are constantly monitored, audited, and reviewed for continuous improvement.

We highly value your feedback and encourage you to share your views. Your involvement is crucial in helping us maintain and elevate our service standards. Join us in monitoring and reviewing our services to ensure we meet and exceed your expectations. Your insights are essential in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring the best care possible.

Information given in confidence from or about service users will not be released to others without the expressed consent of the Service User unless the disclosure is justified in the interests of service users or wider public e.g. abuse, crime.

All confidential information whether paper or electronic is kept secure within our service offices. We guard against accidental disclosure of information about service users such as people overhearing conversations, seeing computer screens or records.

We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all staff, service users, and associates. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards unfair discrimination, harassment, or bullying based on color, race, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, gender, disability, age, sexuality, religion, or belief.

We promptly investigate all reports of abuse and discrimination. We celebrate diversity and respect racial and cultural differences among our service users, staff, and partners. Our policies, procedures, and practices are designed to be non-discriminatory, promoting equality and diversity to meet the diverse needs of our service users.

Our staff receive comprehensive training in equality and diversity to ensure our services consistently uphold these values. Choose us for a care environment where everyone is respected and valued.

Our staff will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times in accordance with company policies and procedures. Our policies and procedures are open and available for viewing at any one of our formal service centres. All our social care staff are required to comply with the General Social Care Council’s Code of Practice for Social Care Workers.

We recognise our responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical the health, safety and welfare of our staff. Staff will receive training in essential areas of health and safety applicable to their role to ensure safe working practice.

Risk assessments are in place for individual service users and for the environment. These assessments cover areas such as, specific care/ support needs and activities for each service user, the actual workplace environment, infection control, electrical safety, use of equipment, fire safety, food safety, moving and handling, hazardous substances, visual display units and violence. The risk assessments are regularly reviewed and staff made aware of any changes.

We have a duty to ensure high standards of fire safety, including taking adequate steps to reduce the risk of fire and minimise the harm that a fire might cause. We provide and maintain appropriate measures to fight and give warning of fire and to ensure the safe evacuation of persons via emergency routes and exits. Fire risk assessments are carried out regularly to identify hazards and reduce risks

All our staff are made aware of the procedure to follow for the safe use of any cleaning materials or chemicals used in the service in adherence with COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous Health) Regulations.

All food handlers receive appropriate training. All staff will ensure that they comply with safe food hygiene and safety practices.

We have a duty to meet the requirements of health and safety and public health legislation. Our staff play an essential role in the effective management and control of infection. We train our staff to deliver against this expectation.

Our staff are trained to maintained security awareness at all times in compliance with requirements regarding the security of the building, the service users and their personal effects and possessions. We try to do everything possible to ensure your personal safety, however, we encourage all our service users to take responsibility not compromise their personal safety.

We are committed to the continuous development of all our staff and seek to have a competent, well-trained staff team at all times. Staff training and development needs are identified through a number of means including supervision and appraisal sessions.

Over and above this, there are a number of training requirements in respect of health and safety and in respect of the national minimum standards laid down by the Care Quality Commission which we also deliver. The national minimum standards also lay down NVQ qualification requirements for care staff which we also regarded as compulsory.

We are committed to affording service users their fundamental rights to choice, privacy, dignity, respect, independence, self-determination and self-fulfillment. They have the right to live their chosen lifestyle and receive care and support which is appropriate to their needs and responsive to their race, culture, ethnic or national origin, language, gender, disability, sexuality, age and religion/belief.

The service users will be treated as full individual with specific and unique needs, desires, hopes and expectations. Our staff are expected to be able to respond appropriately to their wider range of needs – physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural and social. Service users are involved wherever possible in decisions about their care and consulted on issues around the running of the service.

The emphasis is on helping service users to be in control of their lives and to be as independent as possible within the context of responsible risk-taking. Any risks to service users will be carefully assessed and managed. We also believe that the quality of care in somebody’s last days is just as important as the care that is given prior to this.

Prior to and following admission to our services the needs of service users are assessed and these are properly documented. Our support process revolves around person centered care plans that are drawn up with every service user following engagement. Service user plans of care are regularly reviewed to take account of changes in needs.

We strive to ensure that service users are protected from all forms of bad practice and abuse, whether it is physical, psychological, neglect, sexual or financial. We have done everything possible to ensure that policies and procedures are in place to protect service users and prevent abuse. We strictly observe Safe-guarding stipulations and requirements.

We value comments, suggestions and complaints from all sources. They let us know what we are doing well and what needs to be improved upon. We believe that people have a right to complain, make suggestions and/ or pass compliments. We have a duty to take all such submissions seriously.

Our Promise